October 2023
Israel-Palestine, increasingly agressive spies and military, clash with the Pilippines, perpetual colonial repression in Hong Kong, very dark economic prospects and vassalization of Russia and new world order, this is October :
Monthly highlights :
— 🥷 ☭ Chinese ‘Miracle Water’ Grifters Infiltrated the UN and Bribed Politicians to Build Pacific Dream City
A pair of Chinese scam artists wanted to turn a radiation-soaked Pacific atoll into a future metropolis. They ended up in an American jail instead. How they got there is an untold tale of international bribery and grifting that stretched to the very center of the United Nations. https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/chinese-miracle-water-grifters-infiltrated-the-un-and-bribed-politicians-to-build-pacific-dream-city
— 🥷 ☭ Chinese espionage: from ENA to Polytechnique, the painful awakening of the grandes écoles
For more than twenty years, French major schools have increased their partnerships with Chinese establishments. Not without risks. https://www.lexpress.fr/societe/espionnage-chinois-de-lena-a-polytechnique-le-reveil-douloureux-des-grandes-ecoles-ZH37TSQGRVCRNGBT5JUDPEBRIE/
— 🥷 ☭ Alibaba accused of ‘possible espionage’ at European hub
Belgian security service says Chinese group’s logistics arm in Liège under scrutiny over use of sensitive data https://www.ft.com/content/256ee824-9710-49d2-a8bc-f173e3f74286
— 🥷 ☭ A probe conducted by Bloomberg has uncovered that Taiwanese firms, including a division of Topco Scientific Co. and a subsidiary of L&K Engineering Co., aided Huawei-related construction sites in Shenzhen in August. The workers from these Taiwanese companies were identifiable through their safety vests bearing employer branding. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/taiwan-tech-players-involved-in-huawei-s-covert-chip-production-report/ar-AA1hDpGO
— 🥷 ☭ Caught Between China and the West, a Pacific Island Nation Ousts Its Leader
The prime minister of Vanuatu lost his job after he was criticized for veering too close to the West. He accuses his successor of being too cozy with China.
Charlot Salwai elected prime minister of Vanuatu https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/499581/charlot-salwai-elected-prime-minister-of-vanuatu | https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/05/world/asia/vanuatu-pm-australia-china-us.html
— 🥷 ☭ A Monterey Park man serving in the United States Navy in Ventura County has pleaded guilty to giving a Chinese intelligence officer sensitive military information.
Petty Officer Wenheng Zhao, 26, was arrested two months ago and accused of taking bribes in exchange for the information. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/sailor-stationed-in-ventura-county-admits-to-selling-secrets-to-china/
— 🥷 ☭ A former U.S. Army sergeant who worked in military intelligence and carried a top secret security clearance was arrested Friday and charged with trying to pass sensitive American defense information to China.
Federal agents took 29-year-old Joseph Daniel Schmidt into custody at the San Francisco airport this morning, officials said. He faces one count of trying to deliver national defense information and one count of retention of national defense information. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/06/1204371347/ex-u-s-army-sergeant-charged-with-trying-to-pass-secrets-to-china
— 🥷 ☭ EU to investigate Chinese steel and aluminium sectors, with tariffs looming, in deal with US
Inquiries and possible tariffs are said to be part of an agreement with US, which is set to drop Trump-era tariffs on imports of European steel and aluminium
Announcement by US President Joe Biden, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel is expected next week https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3237629/eu-planning-investigate-chinese-steel-and-aluminium-sectors-tariffs-looming
— 🥷 ☭ E-commerce platform becomes first in China to outlaw ‘Tibet’ in favour of ‘Xizang’ https://www.tibetanreview.net/e-commerce-platform-becomes-first-in-china-to-outlaw-tibet-in-favour-of-xizang/
— 🥷 ☭ Five Eyes intelligence chiefs warn on China's 'theft' of intellectual property https://www.reuters.com/world/five-eyes-intelligence-chiefs-warn-chinas-theft-intellectual-property-2023-10-18/
— 🥷 ☭ China’s leader Xi Jinping announces over US$100 billion new funding for Belt and Road Initiative
The Belt and Road is a central pillar of Xi Jinping’s bid to expand China’s clout overseas, with Beijing saying it has now inked over two trillion dollars in contracts around the world. https://hongkongfp.com/2023/10/18/chinas-leader-xi-jinping-announces-over-us100-billion-new-funding-for-belt-and-road-initiative/
— 🥷 ☭ According to the Pentagon's latest report on China's military power, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) currently has over 500 operational nuclear warheads and is increasing pressure against Taiwan. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/5023919
— 🥷 ☭ A Chinese container ship is at the centre of a Finnish investigation into the potential sabotage of a gas pipeline and data cable between the Nordic country and Estonia.
Finnish police said on Friday evening it was focusing on Newnew Polar Bear, a Hong Kong-registered container ship, as its movements coincided with the time and place of the damage.https://www.ft.com/content/22233300-325e-4bb7-932e-cf543fbe987b
— 🥷 ☭ Deepfake video. Hate-spewing tweets: How a China-linked campaign took aim at Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre
“Spamouflage” campaign included over 5,000 social media posts targeting Canadian politicians, according to Australian Strategic Policy Institute. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/deepfake-video-hate-spewing-tweets-how-a-china-linked-campaign-took-aim-at-justin-trudeau/article_266f5127-11ab-5501-8ac8-5c88e23688e1.html
— 🥷 ☭ EU checking how China-linked firm got on its business board for Global Gateway infrastructure drive
Potentially embarrassing revelation for Brussels reported by Post comes amid bloc’s push to de-risk its fraught relationship with Beijing
Energias de Portugal SA among companies advising European Commission even though its largest shareholder is China Three Gorges https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3239201/eu-checking-how-china-linked-firm-got-its-business-board-global-gateway-infrastructure-drive
— 🥷 ☭ Canada has blocked attempts by the Chinese government to acquire properties near sensitive and strategic locations over espionage concerns, according to the head of Canada's leading intelligence agency. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/is-the-chinese-government-trying-to-acquire-land-and-companies-to-spy-on-canada-1.6620360
— 🥷 ☭ Six New York City education leaders are playing hooky this week to go on an “educational leadership” trip in China, which has raised red flags over the possible involvement of the Chinese Communist Party.
The partially taxpayer-funded 7,300-mile journey from NYC to Shanghai and Beijing comes amid alarming reports of China’s global spying, and as NYC schools face budget cuts. https://nypost.com/2023/10/28/metro/nyc-principals-study-in-china-on-taxpayer-communist-groups-dime
— 💼 Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of Alameda Research and ex-girlfriend of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, testified Wednesday that the duo bribed Chinese officials $100 million to regain access to more than $1 billion in frozen cryptocurrency so they could continue their con to cheat investors out of their money. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/sam-bankman-fried-caroline-ellison-bribe-china-100m-unfreeze-crypto-accounts
— 🪖 Japan will start procuring Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States in fiscal 2025, a year earlier than initially planned, in response to the worsening Asian security environment, Defense Minister Minoru Kihara said Wednesday. https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/10/656ec7639c4b-update2-japan-to-buy-tomahawks-from-us-in-fiscal-2025-earlier-than-planned.html
— 🪖 Global Times: China urges Philippines to take concerns seriously, stop making provocations on Ren'ai Jiao issue https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202310/1299547.shtml
— 🪖 China Continues To Exploit Commercial Shipping For Sealift
China has invested heavily to improve the capability of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). However, its amphibious warfare fleet remains insufficient for any major amphibious operation – such as an invasion of Taiwan – and so it would be forced to rely on commercial shipping. https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/10/china-commercial-shipping-for-sealift/
— 🪖 Definitely a bit disturbing to see Chinese naval strategists chewing over the details of Dec7 Pearl Harbor attack. This piece asks what if Japan had targeted US oil supplies rather than battleships. Xiandai Jianchuan, 9.2023. The chart tracks all USN oilers available 1939-1942.https://twitter.com/lylegoldstein/status/1712913507799204281
— 🪖 Philippines accuses China of ‘dangerous manoeuvres’ in South China Sea https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/16/philippines-accuses-china-of-dangerous-manoeuvres-in-south-china-sea
— 🪖 Pentagon accuses China’s fighter jets of ‘coercive’ acts in Indo-Pacific
Defence department says Beijing making ‘centralised and concerted’ effort to intimidate US and allies https://www.ft.com/content/db50f6e3-93f6-4d1b-8d4f-19b17e43a410
— 🪖 Pentagon releases footage of hundreds of ‘highly concerning’ aircraft intercepts by Chinese planes https://apnews.com/article/china-intercepts-military-taiwan-aircraft-3a97bd7e5dac39ec7381579c9ce0c2bb
— 🪖 This week saw the release of the 2023 China Military Power Report (CMPR). For those not familiar, this is DoD’s congressionally-mandated unclassified update on the Chinese military. It’s an annual feast of open source data. https://twitter.com/tshugart3/status/1716259376183361842
— 🪖 Thailand’s defense minister Sutin Klungsang has announced Thailand’s suspension of its purchase of a Chinese-built S26T diesel-electric attack submarine, with the government accepting the Royal Thai Navy’s proposal to instead procure a frigate from China with the funding allocated for the submarine. https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/10/thailand-shelves-attack-submarine-purchase-plans/
— 🪖 China defense minister's ouster reflects Xi's push for discipline
Li Shangfu's exit follows dismissals and probes of other senior officers
People.cn : "The meeting voted to remove Li Shangfu from the post of member of the Central Military Commission and appoint Liu Shaoyun as head of the military court of the Chinese People's Liberation Army." https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/China-defense-minister-s-ouster-reflects-Xi-s-push-for-discipline | http://en.people.cn/n3/2023/1025/c90000-20088544.html
— 🪖 US President Joe Biden has warned China that the US will defend the Philippines in case of any attack in the disputed South China Sea.
The comments come days after two collisions between Filipino and Chinese vessels in the contested waters.
Mr Biden reiterated his "ironclad" defence commitment to the Philippines. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67224782
— 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russian, Chinese media working together a matter of survival of Russian and Chinese voices on a global stage: RT editor-in-chief https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202310/1299249.shtml
— 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Putin says China’s belt and road plan isn’t a bid to conquer but a ‘desire for cooperation’
Russian president tells Chinese state broadcaster that the initiative ‘fully coincides’ with Moscow’s vision for regional development
Putin, who is expected to attend this week’s forum in Beijing, also says there is no coercion under the strategy ‘but opportunities’ https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3238013/putin-says-chinas-belt-and-road-plan-isnt-bid-conquer-desire-cooperation
— 🇷🇺🇺🇦 In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order
Chinese and Russian leaders celebrate trillion-dollar Belt and Road work as evidence of shifting thinking in geopolitical relations https://www.wsj.com/world/china/chinas-xi-doubles-down-on-belt-and-road-as-path-to-new-world-order-aa8a8a5c
— 🏦 China Isn't Shifting Away From the Dollar or Dollar Bonds
China's reserves has shifted its dollar reserves from Treasuries to Agencies, and made increased use of offshore custodians. The available evidence suggests that it still holds about 50 percent of its reserves in dollar bonds. https://www.cfr.org/blog/china-isnt-shifting-away-dollar-or-dollar-bonds
— 🤝 The AfD wants to run for the European elections with Maximilian Krah as the top candidate. This becomes a problem for the party: money from China flows into his environment. https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/innenpolitik/id_100247784/afd-maximilian-krah-das-geld-aus-china-und-die-geheimdienste.html
— 🤝 Eric Adams Attends ‘China Day’ Flag-Raising Rally for Communist Government’s Anniversary https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/10/eric-adams-attends-china-day-flag-raising-rally-for-communist-governments-anniversary/
— 🤝 The Human Rights Watch China director, Sophie Richardson has urged the United Nations(UN) Member countries to make a choice and "note vote for China" for a seat at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) amid its growing human rights violations against Uyghur minorities and a crackdown on the press. https://www.bignewsnetwork.com/news/273988317/un-member-states-should-not-vote-for-china-for-seat-at-unhrc-human-rights-watch-china-director
— 🤝 Ukraine isn’t blacklisting Huawei just yet
The US and allies ‘did not provide us with any official proof’ of security risks, leaving Kyiv in legal limbo on cutting Chinese vendors, deputy minister says. https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-not-blacklisting-huawei-telecoms-china
— 🤝 While many countries in the Western world have decisively banned Chinese telecom equipment company Huawei from their 5G networks due to national security concerns, the EU has lacked the consensus for such a policy, in part due to Huawei’s and China’s strong relationships within the bloc. However, recent announcements from Germany, the biggest holdout, and top EU brass suggest that momentum within the EU is growing for a ban on Huawei. https://chinaobservers.eu/is-the-eu-finally-headed-towards-a-ban-on-huawei/
— 🤝 Campaigners aim to lower support for China on UN human rights council
Parliamentarians from 15 countries urge reduction in vote to signal disapproval of country’s crackdown on Uyghur population https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/08/campaigners-aim-to-lower-support-for-china-on-un-human-rights-council
— 🤝 Serbia will sign a free trade agreement with China on Tuesday – covering 10,412 Serbian tariff lines or products and 8,930 on the Chinese side, as President Aleksander Vučić snubbed the Berlin Process Summit meeting in Tirana to head east.
Serbia and China signed several bilateral agreements to strengthen their cooperation on Tuesday, the most important being the free trade agreement, according to which customs duties will no longer apply to Serb and Chinese products from when the agreement comes into force in late spring 2024. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/serbia-signs-free-trade-deal-with-china/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
— 🤝 Taiwan opens 2nd representative office in Italy at Milan https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202310170006
— 🤝 MOFA reminds EU official Taiwan is already independent
MOFA responds to EU representative's remarks on China-Taiwan relations https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/5025104
— 🇮🇱🇵🇸 U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday called on Chinese President Xi Jinping to support Israel after deadly attacks by Hamas, adding he was "disappointed" that Beijing showed "no sympathy" for the country over the weekend.
State media accounts of the meeting skirted Israel, instead focusing on the need for collaboration and mutual respect, and offering dovish remarks by Xi that could help lay the groundwork for a potential summit with U.S. President Joe Biden next month. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-senate-leader-schumer-says-disappointed-by-chinas-statement-hamas-attacks-2023-10-09/
— 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Xi’s Reply to Hamas Attack Shows China’s Limit as Peacemaker Beijing says it’s friend to both sides, hasn’t condemned Hamas Israel, US have blasted China’s response to civilian deaths https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-10/xi-reaction-to-hamas-attack-exposes-china-s-limits-as-peacemaker | https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2023/10/china-sidesteps-israel-hamas-conflict/
— 🇮🇱🇵🇸 China’s Response to the Israel-Hamas Conflict Reflects Its Longstanding Support for Palestine
Israeli diplomats may have assumed that years of providing China with advanced technology would change Beijing’s stance on Israel. This was a serious miscalculation. https://thediplomat.com/2023/10/chinas-response-to-the-israel-hamas-conflict-reflects-its-longstanding-support-for-palestine/
— 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israel's foreign ministry on Friday said it expressed "deep disappointment" in a call with the Chinese envoy to the Middle East over China's lack of condemnation of Hamas's weekend attack.
"The ambassador expressed Israel's deep disappointment with Chinese announcements and statements about the recent events in the south, where there was no clear and unequivocal condemnation of the terrible massacre committed by the terrorist organization Hamas against innocent civilians and the abduction of dozens of them to Gaza," the statement said. https://www.reuters.com/world/israel-says-deeply-disappointed-over-lack-china-condemnation-hamas-attack-2023-10-13
— 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israel-Hamas war: Chinese social media erupts in war of words as Palestine crisis divides opinion
Deadly Israel-Hamas conflict in the Gaza Strip has sparked fierce debate on Chinese social media, with even embassies caught up in the storm
Shared sense of victimhood as well as national pride is driving support for the Palestinian cause among Chinese web users, analysts say https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3237949/israel-hamas-war-chinese-social-media-erupts-war-words-palestine-crisis-divides-opinion
— 💹 China Is Gaining Long-Coveted Role in Arctic, as Russia Yields
Isolated over Ukraine invasion, Moscow seeks Beijing’s help as it ships more oil east through polar routes https://www.wsj.com/world/china-is-gaining-long-coveted-role-in-arctic-as-russia-yields-f5397315
— 💹 This is probably one of the most important charts right now about the Chinese economy. To offset the collapse in the real estate sector, Beijing has managed to surge credit to the manufacturing sector, which has helped prevent a total collapse of domestic credit growth and demand
CBB : From our perspective this "pivot" is being oversold. Property is indeed getting squeezed hard but the idea that there is a counter-flood into manufacturing is not evident whatsoever in our manufacturing borrowing data. Times are still (relatively) tough. https://twitter.com/ShanghaiMacro/status/1711291278011638161 | https://twitter.com/ChinaBeigeBook/status/1711809081822835122
— 💹 China’s Economy Faces Deepening Troubles in Years Ahead
The country’s growth is showing signs of emerging from a soft patch, but its long-term prospects are darkening https://www.wsj.com/world/china/chinas-economy-faces-deepening-troubles-in-years-ahead-6359b3e9
— 💹 Unemployment has never been so high among young Chinese, despite labor shortages in certain sectors. More educated, they are more reluctant to work in factories. Those in power are worried about the situation. https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2023/10/22/en-chine-le-chomage-de-masse-chez-les-jeunes-embarrasse-pekin_6195996_3234.html
— 👮 China forces minorities from Xinjiang to work in industries around the country. As it turns out, this includes handling much of the seafood sent to America and Europe. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-uyghurs-forced-to-process-the-worlds-fish
— 👮 China officials hasten to implement Xi’s doctrine on culture and propaganda
Briefings on the Chinese leader’s latest ideology have been organised across the country, with an emphasis on turning words into actions
Cadres have been urged to promote and explain the doctrine so that it becomes ‘deeply rooted in the hearts of the people’ https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3237821/china-officials-hasten-implement-xis-doctrine-culture-and-propaganda
— 👮 Weibo removes all search results for "emigration" after searches increase by 1156% https://twitter.com/whyyoutouzhele/status/1716155868629139821
— 👮 Trial of Uyghur film-maker to begin in China this week
Ikram Nurmehmet, a director known for featuring Uyghur protagonists, was arrested in May and is being held on unknown charges https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/oct/24/trial-of-uyghur-film-maker-to-begin-in-china-this-week
— 🤖 Taiwan was waiting for a decision by the U.S. government on whether Taiwanese chipmakers will be allowed a waiver extension to supply U.S. chip equipment to their factories in China, Economy Minister Wang Mei-hua said on Thursday.https://www.reuters.com/technology/taiwan-says-awaiting-us-announcement-china-chip-waiver-extension-2023-10-12/
— 🍒 On October 1, during the women's 100-meter hurdles final of track and field at the Hangzhou Asian Games, Chinese athletes Lin Yuwei and Wu Yanni hugged and encouraged each other.
However, because the numbers of the two people in the photo formed "June 4", the photo was clipped on the wall.
At present, there are only a few photos from a few media outlets that have not been banned. https://twitter.com/whyyoutouzhele/status/1708923930327560294
Hong Kong highlights :
— 👮 China's spy-handlers tried to 'turn' outspoken Hong Kong radio host
Edmund Wan, known as 'Giggs,' says Chinese state security police wanted him to set up a pro-China YouTube channel. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/giggs-10022023143717.html
— 👮 Hong Kong film star Chow Yun-fat laments Chinese censorship at South Korea film festival
“We have to pay attention to our government … otherwise it is very hard to get the money to shoot a movie,” Chow Yun-fat said, adding filmmakers still strove to maintain the “Hong Kong spirit”. https://hongkongfp.com/2023/10/05/hong-kong-film-star-chow-yun-fat-laments-chinese-censorship-at-south-korea-film-festival/
— 👮 A 38-year-old man in Hong Kong was jailed for 4 months for importing children's books that portrayed democracy supporters as sheep defending their village from wolves.
This is Hong Kong's first conviction for "importing seditious publication", a colonial-era offence. https://twitter.com/holmeschan_/status/1710138266605981867
— 👮 UN 'very troubled' over mass trial of Hong Kong democracy activists
'Subversion' charges faced by 47 based on peaceful criticism of the government, organizing democratic primary. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/mass-trial-10112023125911.html
— 👮 Twenty arrested in Hong Kong over false document pension withdrawals amid row over UK passport https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/twenty-arrested-hong-kong-over-false-document-pension-withdrawals-amid-row-over-2023-10-13/
— 👮 Risk-Advisory Firms Decide Hong Kong Isn’t Worth It
U.S.-based Nardello and other investigation companies move employees out of the city as business dwindles and China cracks down https://www.wsj.com/business/risk-advisory-firms-decide-hong-kong-isnt-worth-it-f2bde437
— 👮 Hong Kong's family office push falls flat with global billionaires
Mainland Chinese are the most interested, but even they prefer Singapore https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Finance/Hong-Kong-s-family-office-push-falls-flat-with-global-billionaires
— 👮 Hong Kong student shot by police during 2019 protest jailed for 3.5 years for rioting, assaulting officer
Tsang Chi-kin, who was 18 at the time of the protests, was left in critical condition after being shot in his left lung during clashes with police in 2019.
Hillary Leung https://hongkongfp.com/2023/10/18/breaking-hong-kong-student-shot-by-police-during-2019-protest-jailed-for-3-5-years-months-for-rioting-assaulting-police-officer/
— 👮 Detained ex-editor of Hong Kong Apple Daily newspaper issues apology over ‘false’ Chinese espionage allegations
In the apology, Ryan Law spoke on behalf of the defunct media outlet in saying that no “prior verification, investigation, or citation” were made before publishing the “false news reports.”https://hongkongfp.com/2023/10/18/detained-ex-editor-of-hong-kong-apple-daily-newspaper-issues-apology-over-false-chinese-espionage-allegations/
— 👮 The Corporate Retreat From Hong Kong Is Accelerating
The commercial hub’s ties to mainland China, which global companies once considered an asset, have become a liability https://www.wsj.com/world/asia/hong-kong-china-corporate-headquarters-retreat-10454a9a
— 👮 HK will complete national security legislation in accordance with article 23 of the Basic Law within 2024, announced city leader John Lee. https://twitter.com/XinqiSu/status/1717017422991909264
— 👮 Hong Kong Policy Address: How city’s security crackdown targets ‘soft resistance’
“Anything that endangers national security, if it belongs to ‘hard resistance’, it should be struck by law,” Luo Huining, Beijing’s former liaison chief in Hong Kong, said. “If it belongs to ‘soft resistance’, it should be regulated by law.” https://hongkongfp.com/2023/10/26/hong-kong-policy-address-how-citys-security-crackdown-targets-soft-resistance//
— 👮 No clear answer from Hong Kong security chief on whether opposing new security law would violate existing one
“Some will deliberately distort this law to cause conflict in society. Therefore, explaining it is important,” security chief Chris Tang told reporters on Friday. https://hongkongfp.com/2023/10/27/no-clear-answer-from-hong-kong-security-chief-on-whether-opposing-new-security-law-would-violate-existing-one/
— 👮 Hong Kong denies visa to scholar of China’s 1989 Tiananmen crackdown
Rejection of Rowena He’s visa application means she cannot return to teaching post in the city https://www.ft.com/content/c58cebc8-1c88-4ba7-affe-1eb212990c2f?accessToken=zwAAAYtyF_sfkdPFjOvIHIhLp9Ov_h6yEpkMLw.MEUCIEngPZBV8uX0uOEfgC5J-ubyEoTOSWyPJM5vXAGEeWBDAiEA8HIQD6M-yuoNUWgh8pLm7LHpFH6MDFQYgeDd8Y4m8a0&segmentId=e95a9ae7-622c-6235-5f87-51e412b47e97&shareType=enterprise
Go further with these interesting pieces :
— https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/BRI-is-only-first-step-in-China-s-strategy-for-a-new-world-order
— https://hkrlm.org/2023/10/23/rol-report-2022/
— https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5803/cmselect/cmdfence/183/report.html